Mater Christi School Named Mix It Up Model School, for 2nd Year in a Row, by Teaching Tolerance

April 6, 2016

For the 2nd year in a row, Mater Christi School has been named a Mix It Up Model School by Teaching Tolerance. There were only ninety one model schools nationally, with MCS being the only school in Vermont to receive this meaningful award.

Many schools around the country, including Mater Christi, held an annual Mix It Up Day, which is a national campaign that began over a decade ago. The purpose of the day is to encourage students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. In surveys run by Teaching Tolerance, students identified the cafeteria as the place where divisions are most clearly drawn.

At Mater Christi, the Mix It Up mission from Teaching Tolerance magazine was discussed to prepare students for the fun to come. Additionally, students gave input about the day’s events to Ms. Jenelle Dumas, guidance counselor and Mix It Up organizer, in a Student Council meeting. On November 30, 2015, MCS students mixed things up all day starting with their Mass Buddies. Students went to mass, played games and read together, with smiles all around. Students were also asked to move out of their comfort zones and connect with new social groups during lunch. The MCS student’s embraced the day and were living examples of tolerance and inclusiveness.

Mix It Up Model Schools

Mix It Up Model Schools embrace respect and inclusiveness as core values—they “mix it up” all year long. These schools have done an exemplary job of organizing, publicizing and implementing Mix It Up at Lunch Day. By sharing their recipes for success, Model Schools are beacons for other schools striving for inclusiveness.

Mix It Up Model Schools have met these criteria:

  • They hosted a Mix It Up at Lunch Day in 2015 (it did not have to fall on national Mix It Up at Lunch Day).
  • They followed up with at least two additional programs or events on campus that sustained the spirit of Mix It Up at Lunch Day.
  • They included different members of the school community (e.g., cafeteria staff, aides, administration, teachers and students) to organize Mix It Up at Lunch Day.
  • They publicized Mix It Up at Lunch Day with a variety of posters, announcements and other media.
  • Their students and staff saw Mix It Up at Lunch Day as a success.

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